Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Horse Play

One of the items auctioned off last fall at our school auction was the opportunity to go horseback riding with Mrs. Stucky.  The three winners hit the dusty trail tonight at Prairie Fire Farm.

After getting matched with a horse, 

getting a few lessons on steering

and stopping,

they hit the trail!

Riding off into the sunset.

Thanks to Emily and the girls at Prairie Fire Farm for making this night possible
and for supporting the CCA Scholarship Fund.

Do you have pictures from an auction outing?  We'd love to see them.
Send them to Natalie at

 CCA 's "It's a Wonderful Life" Auction
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Watch this blog for more details!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Join us for the next Spirit Night on July 27

It's time for our next Spirit Night at Hoss's in Hummelstown on Tuesday, July 27.  You can stop by this Hoss's location anytime between 11:00-9:00 that day, present the flyer that you print off from the CCA Web site and 20% of your check will be donated to CCA.  Please note that you must present the flyer when you order for CCA to receive the 20%.

It's that easy!  Food, fellowship, and funds for CCA. 

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Kohl's Cares...About CCA!

In celebration of Kohl's 10th Anniversary, they are donating $500,000 to 20 schools each for a total of $10 million.  The winners will be determined by a vote taking place on Facebook.  Each person gets 20 votes, but you can only use up to 5 votes on a single school.

So use the handy link and go straight to our page and vote for CCA to win the $500,000.  While you're there you are encouraged and list some ways that CCA could use the money.

Then after you are voted, make sure you share this great opportunity with all your friends on Facebook and encourage them to vote for CCA.  If you haven't taken the plunge into Facebook, well then this just may be the time to do so. 

If we ban our Facebook resources together, we just may be able to be the Hickory High School of 2010!!