Community Links: This provides ministries or enterprises closely connected to the school or to a school family.
Web Resources: This provides sources of news and information that various members of the school community consider valuable. If this list grows, it could be located on a separate page and annotated it to make it more useful. (Note: Because we like to keep up on positions that we disagree with, some of these resources do not reflect the ideas of anyone in the school community.)
Events of Interest: This public calendar lists local events that others in the school might enjoy (excluding official school functions which may be found on CCA's school website). These dates could include potential field trips, upcoming birthdays, church events, political gatherings, or any other chances to get together outside of school. This Google calendar can be shared with anyone interested in helping to post events or receive updates. Contact Jesse Hake to share an upcoming event or become an editor for this calendar.
Other Ideas: Please share anything that might enable this blog to better foster relationships at CCA. See our Join the Pile page for more info on how to contribute.