Thursday, May 13, 2010

Role of Art in Education and Life

If any of you (like me) missed Christine Perrin's talk about the role of art in education (given at CCA's most recent PTF meeting), much of the material is available at her Art of Poetry blog. (Note: CCA's web server seems to block this page, and I can only access it from home.)

Also, take a moment sometime to explore this 360 panoramic tour of the Sistine Chapel recently made available by the Vatican (accompanied by one of their a cappella choirs if your speakers are turned on).

1 comment:

  1. That PTF meeting on art was EXCELLENT. I'm sorry that not everyone had a chance to hear Dr. Perrin talk about the role of art, Mr. Cave taught us how to draw a rocket and Mrs. McClymont told us what our kids are learning in each grade and the natural progression of technique. A very inspiring night.

    And, dude, that Sistine Chapel tour is awesome!
